Acne No More Review Part 3 - Things I Realized After Reading Acne No More Book.

...Well, in the last 2 posts of my review on Acne No More, I have talked about the Author and the book, but what I DIDN'T talk about is what I really enjoyed learning from the book.

First thing I want to say is that if you are not the reader type, then you better learn to get used to it because the Acne No More book is not an easy ride. It is over 230 pages long and that FOR ME is far too HUGE!

But if I managed to read the entire Acne No More book in two days, SO can YOU!

When I read the book, I realized something that made me go, "DAMN! How come I didn't notice it before???"

This is what I realized.


You see, for 3 years straight, I have tried over $3000 worth of Acne Treatment products and some of them go by the name of Accutane and Proactive.

Did these products work?


BUT to a certain extent ONLY! [If they worked completely, why the heck would I go for Acne No More?]

...In short, the results weren't permanent. All these products did was clear the acne from the outside. The skin was either killed or the bacteria were killed or some other foolish way that made the acne go away for a little while.

That is exactly why Acne No More is different and let me tell you why I say that I have realized the Industrial Scam...

Here's how it goes....

I buy a $200 treatment product that promises to clear my acne in 72 hours. I try it, and wow, I am amazed to see the quick results. Now that I don't have acne, I can stop using this product.

Two weeks later... OH NO! My acne is BACK!

I go back to buy the same product or a different product that cost me even higher.

This time the results stayed for more than 3 weeks, BUT HOLY CRAP! The acne is getting even worse after 3 weeks!

I need to run to the dermatologist! He gives me prescription for some drugs. And guess what, as long as I stay on these drugs, the Acne is away. I stop using this for even one day, and KABOOM! The acne returns with extreme rage!

This is the industrial scam I am talking about. This is what I have learnt from the Acne No More book.

Don't you get it?

The whole Acne industry knows that the products they make only provide temporary results, but they still keep producing it so that desparate people like us will continuosly keep using these products.

If they made a permanent solution, then THEY WILL SHUT DOWN! They won't have a second demand for their products!

See how selfish the industry is... this is the truth I learnt from the Acne No More book and I am glad to have learnt it, because it has helped me clear lot of myths in my head.

...If you want a permanent solution for your acne, then try the Acne No More book, because it really does work.

BUT, if you are looking for a quick fix or in other words, a 3 day cure or something like that, then go ahead and screw your skin to get worse with expensive products that will make the industry more money ;)

Click Here to Grab Your Copy of Acne No More Today!

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