Acne No More Review Part 2 - What Will You Find Inside Mike Walden’s Acne No More Book?

…In my previous post I talked about who is Mike Walden and that the Acne No More book is based on holistic methods which he learnt from an 84 year old Israeli man who goes by the name Elisha Levi.

He took 4 years to research and discover the proper step by step system to finally cure acne permanently in the fastest way possible even for the worst cases of acne.

That is basically the summary of my previous post. Now let's talk about the content inside Acne No More by Mike Walden.


…Well, basically Acne No More is simply an instruction guide that goes into the deep detail on every step of the way to an acne free skin. The extreme detail is taken as precaution so that you don't make a mistake and screw things up.

Mike Walden first goes into the crushing the 14 Myths about acne that most people have believed in even to this very minute. But with Mike's reasons, there is no doubt that you will simply laugh out when you see another person who believes in these myths.

I won't go into much detail about that because you need to read it yourself if you want to have all the fun… ;)

Chapters 1-2 are the general section of the book where he builds the basic foundation on what exactly is Acne and what is the holistic approach he is talking about. He also discusses about his personal experience with acne treatments, and reveals the final Acne Equation that took him 4 years to finally figure out.

…In this very chapter of Acne No More, Mike Walden also gives you a glowing slap of motivation that will stay with you even after you complete reading the entire book.

Chapter 3 is the juice of the entire book. It contains the entire Step By Step solution to cure your acne using the Acne No More system aka the holistic approach. In this chapter, each steps are only explained in general although he covers the detailed explanation in Chapters 4-8.

I really love the content in page 52 because it contains the Acne No More Quick Results Mini Program that is designed for people who don't have much time but want results as soon as possible.

I am an impatient person as you know and I personally started off with page 52 myself even though I am not really a busy person… lol! I was really impressed by the results and frustrated at the same time because it is not a really quick approach but a very easy to follow method to see awesome results for those with LIGHT Acne! I was suffering from Acne Vulgaris and this only reduced 20% of my acne… I had to go back to the full step by step approach to see the complete 100% results…

…Back to the review.

In Chapter 4-8 of Acne No More, Mike explains each step in such detail, there is no way you could be confused about anything unless you are totally weak in English. ;)

Also in this section, Mike goes into additional ways to remove those acne scars extremely fast once those spots, blemishes and cysts are gone.

I can tell you right now that honey is one of the recommended ways to remove those scars real fast ;) [Don't tell Mike that I mentioned this… hehe]

Then finally there is the Acne No More Guidelines that comes as a bonus with your purchase of the Complete Acne No More system. In this book, you will find all the principals you need to follow to achieve the clear skin. This bonus was primarily written for those with tight schedules and those who want to get rid of acne in their own pace.

I really don't believe anybody wants to go slow when it comes to curing their acne… lol..

Anyway, there is a "clear skin recipes" section that contains the kind of food you need to eat while following the Acne No More Plan.

Well, that ends my review on the inside of the Acne No More book. Now it's your turn to read the chunk through the headlines ;)

Good luck.

Click Here to Grab Your Copy Of the Acne No More System.

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